History education in transition – transcultural dialogue on historical thinking and learning

History education in transition – transcultural dialogue on historical thinking and learning

Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education (HTCE)
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26.10.2023 - 22.01.2024
Julia Thyroff, Zentrum politische Bildung und Geschichtsdidaktik, Pädagogische Hochschule der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

Internationally renowned experts present theoretical approaches and current empirical findings on history teaching and learning from a transcultural or transnational perspective. Afterwards, we will enter a dialogue with the audience. The HTCE-lectures are open to the public. They are aimed at experts, scholars, students, teachers, and other responsible persons from all regions of the world with an interest in current issues of history education.

History education in transition – transcultural dialogue on historical thinking and learning

HTCE Lecturer's series

We live in a time of social change and cultural interconnectedness, with the tensions and negotiation necessities that this entails. Globalization, power politics, migration, data networks and digital communication, mobility, and other factors are contributing to a mixing and interpenetration of cultures and a dissolution of traditional cultural boundaries. From a historical and anthropological perspective, transculturality as “cultural mixing” is arguably the rule rather than the exception, as migratory movements, wars and conquests, trade relations, and symbiotic social systems of all kinds have always confronted the “own” with the “foreign”. Cultural encounters can produce the most diverse results, such as mutual understanding, appropriation and identification, affirmations, innovations, and hybrid patterns, but also demarcation and exclusion, exploitation or subjugation of individuals and groups, and even annihilation. To analyze the forces inherent in these processes, to understand them in their respective contexts, and to draw conclusions for the present and in the future seems to be an important goal of history education in the 21st century. However, a multitude of questions arise for the initiation of transcultural history teaching ranging from target concepts to the selection of appropriate topics and materials to considerations of how to address and incorporate common as well as personal and biographical experiences.

In our HTCE-lecturers’ series we want to provide space for further work and exchange in the thematic complex of historical thinking and transculturality. Internationally renowned experts present theoretical approaches and current empirical findings on history teaching and learning from a transcultural or transnational perspective. Afterwards, we will enter a dialogue with the audience. The HTCE-lectures are open to the public. They are aimed at experts, scholars, students, teachers, and other responsible persons from all regions of the world with an interest in current issues of history education.

Join us on Zoom: https://fhnw.zoom.us/j/67933547171.

For short-term announcements visit: https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce/lectures.


Thursday, October 26, 2023
06.00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Mario Carretero (Spain) / Carmen Zúñiga Gonzales (Columbia): National narratives and the handling of transnational or transcultural perspectives in history education

Thursday, November 16, 2023
06.00 pm (Central European Time, CET)
Wolfgang Welsch (Germany): Transculturality: a philosophical perspective

Thursday, December 7, 2023
06.00 pm (CET)
Denise Bentrovato (South Africa): Transculturality in African history education and textbooks

Monday, December 18, 2023
06.00 pm (CET)
Kenneth Nordgren (Sweden) / Johannes Meyer Hamme (Germany): Mediation of history in the migration society: a Central European and a Scandinavian perspective

Monday, January 22, 2024
07.00 pm (CET)
Andreas Körber (Germany) / Robert Parkes (Australia): Transcultural competence as an aim of history education: theoretical concepts and practical approaches


Julia Thyroff
E-Mail: julia.thyroff@fhnw.ch

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